Moon Vine

In early summer Jennifer planted two Moon Vine plants on the west side of our car port.  Throughout the summer we kept them watered and gradually they became more prolific in the hotter months. She strung gardening yarn between the columns of the car port so that the vines could spread out and climb the open spaces between the columns of the car port. Now, in early fall, they completely cover the western side, offering some shade from the evening sun.

Right around sundown large blooms of white begin to emerge.  It is quite a spectacle each night, watching the sun set and the Moon Vine blossom. Near dawn the blooms retract and fall off, each enjoying only one night in full flower. The vines are abundant, however, and blooms anew each evening. They have been visited by all sorts of insects these past few weeks, including praying mantises, which are fun to spot and observe.

This was the first time we have enjoyed this plant on our property. It continues to be full of life in the extended warm days and cool nights we continue to have here.  

I find myself restless for the coming of autumn. But the tropical show put on each night just beyond my doorstep is truly something to behold. 


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