A Buzzard Posed for Me


Close-up of the buzzard posing for me on the tip of my roof.

Yesterday afternoon a weather front passed through.  It had rained almost three-quarters of an inch during the early morning.  The skies were still overcast for most of the day though no more rain fell.  I was outside near the house with Kudo when I heard a scratching type noise.  At first I thought the sound was coming from one of the downspouts on our gutters.  "Oh crap," I thought.  "Some bird is trying to build a nest in my gutters."  But that wasn't what was happening.

Kudo started growling and barking.  She has a fierce growl but a rather sissy bark.  I turned and noticed that her eyes were directed higher, toward the roof of the house.  Suddenly, a large buzzard casually walked along my roof to the highest point on the house.  It just perched there, unimpressed by Kudo's escalating tantrum.  I hastened into the house to fetch my camera.  Upon my return, the buzzard was still hanging out, apparently enjoying the view.  

I managed to snap several shots of it, not knowing whether or not I was getting anything decent.  The gray skies were still brighter than the foreground.  I was hoping for at least a decent silhouette.  Eventually, I approached the house, yelling and hissing, attempting to drive the bird away.  Kudo's activity intensified accordingly.  The buzzard just looked down at us as if we were crazy.  "Y'all can't touch me," it seemed to silently proclaim.

After a few more minutes it turned and I could hear it walking like a chicken across the roof.  Ordinarily, the metal red top would be far too hot for the bird's feet at that time of day.  But, since it was cool and cloudy from the previous rain, the large bird could amble around at its leisure.  I walked down the driveway to where I could see the buzzard on the house.  I waited.  Soon enough it took flight and I captured the take-off as best I could with my camera.

Kudo remained leery for a couple of hours after the bird's departure.  Every time we went outside she immediately checked out the roof, mumbling to herself, looking for any sign of the intruder.  Later, sitting on my porch enjoying a beer, I saw three buzzards flying over my front yard very high on the thermals as the day turned into a sunny one.  I figured one of them must have been the same buzzard that graced us earlier with its presence.

It was a simple chance encounter with a rather common, ugly bird.  But in the moment when I captured its image it seemed special and noble...and so real it was surreal.

A wider view.  Kudo spotted it before I did and I was really surprised to see it there perfectly posed for a photo.

Taking flight after a brief rest upon my house.


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